About me

Full Curriculum Vitae

Short bio

Born in the wilds of rural England, I moved to Oxford for university when I was 18, where I studied for a BA in Classics and a BPhil in Philosophy. From 2010-2016, I studied for and defended my PhD. in philosophy at the CUNY Graduate Center and gave lectures at Baruch College. I am now Associate Director and Education Director at the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence at the University of Cambridge, where I also serve as Co-Director of the Kinds of Intelligence Programme.

When I’m not doing philosophy or spending excessive time on AI twitter, I’m often learning new languages, running D&D campaigns, running, climbing, swimming, or some combination of the above. I’m also very interested in science fiction, animals, evolution, probability, game theory, linguistics, psychology, neuroscience, politics, storytelling, law, geology, space, art, music, etymology, history, and videogaming. I live in Cambridge with my wife Wanda and our children Stephen and Selene.

I can be reached at hfshevlin@gmail.com with any comments or questions.

© Henry Shevlin 2015